What is Your Business Worth?

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What is Your Business Worth?


Many small business owners fixate on the day-by-day tasks of their organizations, an amazing number don't have an exact comprehension of their business worth. That is because conventional business valuation requires the small business owners to contribute a lot of time, exertion, and are expensive. With high-cost business valuations, small business owners are in a tough position: choosing to put resources into a valuation or utilizing those assets for their everyday tasks. Confronted with that choice, most small business owners pick "not knowing."

Reasons why small business owners need to know what their business is worth:

  • Exit planning or unplanned
  • Retirement Planning
  • Benchmarketing and Business Planning 
  • Estate Planning
  • Death or Disability of a partner
  • Buyout between partners
  • Divorce

All of these situations require an accurate business value, otherwise, you will leave money on the table and fall short of your goals. 

To Grow your value, you must know your value

Make sure your business is ready to meet your retirement and legacy goals.  If you know where you stand and work with a specialist every couple of years, you’ll be better able to focus on the value indicators that matter most to potential buyers.

Instead of guessing, we recommend getting regular Estimates of Value (EOVs) from DealCoach.  An EOV is an educated, expert opinion of what your business would sell for in today’s marketplace. An Estimates of Value is an affordable, easy way to get benchmarking information on your business.

Want to build business value? Read our article on the Three Questions to Ask for Growth!

Find out the DealCoach Process here!

About DealCoach

DealCoach is headquartered in Green Bay Wisconsin with an office in Milwaukee Wisconsin and helps customers find out how much their business is worth with online business valuations and advisory services. Our business valuations also known as an Estimate of Value (EOV), help prepare buyers and sellers for the sale.  DealCoach also helps business owners grow value with a Business and Market Analysis and plan for retirement, estate & financial planning, benchmarking, and strategic planning. DealCoach servers and has provided business valuations for businesses located in the United States and Canada. 

We are here to tell you what you need to hear in order to make a well-informed decision with most likely the largest financial transaction of your life. Our team has over two decades of M&A experience, and we have been completing Estimates of Value for our clients for over nine years.


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